Urban Forest Master Plan

Project Overview
The Edgewater Urban Forest Master Plan is a roadmap for how to maintain, preserve, and grow the city’s tree canopy. What is Edgewater's tree canopy like right now? Where should the city preserve trees? Where should the city plant new trees? What kind of trees does the community need and want? Do some parts of the city get to experience more benefits from trees than others. All of these questions, and more, will be asked and answered as part of the Urban Forest Master Plan.
- Leverage public and stakeholder support of Edgewater’s urban forest to better care for public street trees.
- Strengthen policies and procedures that preserve and protect trees.
- Enhance the City’s urban forestry services through utilization of internal and external professionals.
- Take a data driven approach to urban forest management and care.
- Develop a multi-year tree planting strategy including both public and private property.
- Build regional partnerships to support urban forestry operations.