Calling all Edgewater Businesses... What do you need looking 20 years out?

We are inviting you to give us your feedback… what do you think your business will need over the next 20 years for support and longevity!?

In case you haven’t heard, the City is updating our Comprehensive Plan with the community – and it looks 20 years into the future. Thanks to those of you who have given input thus far, and we are hoping to continue the great input and have even more Edgewater businesses get involved!

See informaiton (graphic to right) from how we have used business input in 2022 and now what we are seeking input on for the Comp Plan project! There is a QR code at the bottom of the below graphic, and I have put links to the City’s website for business resources – in case you want to check those out too.

Link to the business resources page online:

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