Citizen's Park Landscape Design and Concept Plan

The past few years have seen growing enthusiasm and determination towards the rejuvenation and transformation of public spaces. Central to this vision is the 2020 Parks and Recreation Master Plan, a plan for a greener, more sustainable, and community-centric future. Let's delve deeper into the features and the blueprint of this plan.

1. Entryway Plazas

Design Concept B promises dual entryway plazas, one each at the north and south entrances. These plazas aren't just functional; they're designed to be aesthetically pleasing introductions to the park itself, setting the mood for visitors as they step into the expanse of Citizens' Park.

2. Trees and Vegetation

An essential aspect of any park is its green cover. The plan emphasizes adding new trees and vegetation, ensuring not just beauty but also an eco-friendly environment, enhancing air quality and providing shaded areas for relaxation.

3. Bicycle Parking and Fitness Stations

Catering to the health-conscious citizen, the park will house bicycle parking – promoting a greener mode of transport – and several fitness stations to keep those calories burning.

4. Essential Amenities

From benches scattered for those restful moments, to clear signage ensuring easy navigation, and dedicated pathways that meander through the park, every detail is meticulously planned.

5. The Outdoor Classroom

An innovative addition, the outdoor classroom, will be a space where kids and adults alike can learn amidst nature, making education a fun and engaging experience.

8. Infrastructure Upgrades

Recognizing the wear and tear of time, the existing infrastructure will undergo necessary changes. The softball field will be revamped with improved lighting, fencing, and dugouts. Not stopping at that, leveling of the infield and a facelift for the restrooms and pavilion are also on the cards.

The Phased Implementation and Budget

With an estimated budget of $2.5 M, the entire project is expansive and will be executed in multiple phases and years to ensure systematic development without overwhelming the existing ecosystem or the park's regular visitors.

Citizens' Park, with its new design and concept plan, is more than just a recreational space. It embodies the essence of community, sustainability, and holistic growth.

View the Concept Plan

View the Landscape Design Plan

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