Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Project Overview
Edgewater’s current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2013. It contains categories of: Vision; Land Use; Economic Development; Community Character and Design; Commercial Redevelopment; Housing; Public Services and Infrastructure; and, Community Involvement.
For this Comprehensive Plan update, we will re-evaluate of the existing plan's vision, goals, policies, research changing demographic and socio-economic conditions, review shifting economic and development trends, and identify current community goals, values and priorities for Edgewater's future.
Edgewater 2040 ~ Planning Our Future Together
Thank you for being involved in this important planning project for Edgewater's future!
Project Overview
Edgewater’s current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2013. It contains categories of: Vision; Land Use; Economic Development; Community Character and Design; Commercial Redevelopment; Housing; Public Services and Infrastructure; and, Community Involvement.
For this Comprehensive Plan update, we will re-evaluate of the existing plan's vision, goals, policies, research changing demographic and socio-economic conditions, review shifting economic and development trends, and identify current community goals, values and priorities for Edgewater's future.
Edgewater 2040 ~ Planning Our Future Together
Thank you for being involved in this important planning project for Edgewater's future!
Planning Commission Adopts Edgewater 2040!
Share Planning Commission Adopts Edgewater 2040! on Facebook Share Planning Commission Adopts Edgewater 2040! on Twitter Share Planning Commission Adopts Edgewater 2040! on Linkedin Email Planning Commission Adopts Edgewater 2040! linkEdgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan ~ Planning Our Future Together
On July 31, 2024, Edgewater's Planning Commission adopted the Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan! Next step for the Plan is to be accepted by City Council at their September 17, 2024 meeting.
Beginning in February, 2023, the project got underway to update the 2013 plan. The process re-evaluated of the existing plan's vision, goals, policies, researched changing demographic and socio-economic conditions, reviewed shifting economic and development trends, and identified current community goals, values and priorities for Edgewater's future.
Over the past 16 months, the community engagement for the plan update has included: 5 Advisory Committee Meetings; 3 Community Leader Meetings; 7 Community Events; 4 Online Surveys; 850 Survey Respondents; and a total of 1350 Conversations.
The last step in the adoption process is for the plan to be approved by City Council (scheduled for 9/17/24).
Edgewater 2040 Draft Available For Review!
Share Edgewater 2040 Draft Available For Review! on Facebook Share Edgewater 2040 Draft Available For Review! on Twitter Share Edgewater 2040 Draft Available For Review! on Linkedin Email Edgewater 2040 Draft Available For Review! linkThank you to all who have participated in the Edgewater Comprehensive Plan process to date! The plan is now out for review. Find it here.
Please send your comments or questions about anything in the draft to Jocelyn Mills at JMills@EdgewaterCO.com by the end of business day on July 30th to be considered for and/or incorporated into the final draft. Planning and Zoning Commission will be reviewing the final draft and comments on the evening of July 31st.
May 2024 Planning Commission Reviews Draft
Share May 2024 Planning Commission Reviews Draft on Facebook Share May 2024 Planning Commission Reviews Draft on Twitter Share May 2024 Planning Commission Reviews Draft on Linkedin Email May 2024 Planning Commission Reviews Draft linkPlan Organization
March 2024 Presentation To City Council and Planning Commission
Share March 2024 Presentation To City Council and Planning Commission on Facebook Share March 2024 Presentation To City Council and Planning Commission on Twitter Share March 2024 Presentation To City Council and Planning Commission on Linkedin Email March 2024 Presentation To City Council and Planning Commission linkThe Comp Plan Team presented to City Council and Planning Commission in March on the status of the project. Please see link to Council presentation on 3/19/24.
Edgewater 2040 is Wrapping Up!
Share Edgewater 2040 is Wrapping Up! on Facebook Share Edgewater 2040 is Wrapping Up! on Twitter Share Edgewater 2040 is Wrapping Up! on Linkedin Email Edgewater 2040 is Wrapping Up! linkThe Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Planning Process is in the home stretch! The project team would like to extend a genuine thank you to all who have been involved the process to date- this plan couldn't happen without people like you! After a year of fostering community connections, having great conversations, hosting events and workshops, and doing critical analysis, we are now busy drafting the written plan. Check back here in a few weeks to learn more about the draft plan.
Map of Edgewater, Colorado
Community Workshop was a Success!
Share Community Workshop was a Success! on Facebook Share Community Workshop was a Success! on Twitter Share Community Workshop was a Success! on Linkedin Email Community Workshop was a Success! linkThank you to all who attended the Community Workshop on Thursday February 8th! We had a great turnout, enjoyed insightful conversations about the future of Edgewater's People and Systems, and ate delicious food from Tamale Kitchen.
We heard from over 80 Edgewater residents, visitors, employees, and students, and collected over 350 written comments. Click Here to read more about what we heard!
Provide your Input!
Share Provide your Input! on Facebook Share Provide your Input! on Twitter Share Provide your Input! on Linkedin Email Provide your Input! linkUse the Survey tab or follow this link to partake in the Edgewater 2040 Phase 3 Questionnaire! Share your vision for the future of Edgewater's People- and Systems-centered elements! We want to hear from you about Comprehensive Plan topics such as mobility and streetscapes, social services, and parks and recreation!
Comp Plan Community Workshop - Save the Date!
Share Comp Plan Community Workshop - Save the Date! on Facebook Share Comp Plan Community Workshop - Save the Date! on Twitter Share Comp Plan Community Workshop - Save the Date! on Linkedin Email Comp Plan Community Workshop - Save the Date! linkJoin us for the Edgewater 2040 Community Workshop! There will be food, a chance to win Edgewater prizes, and the opportunity to share your insight and ideas about the future of Edgewater's People and Systems!
Where: Jefferson Jr./Sr. High School
When: February 8th, 2024 from 4:30 to 7 pm
Comp Plan Stats for 2023 - Year in Review!
Share Comp Plan Stats for 2023 - Year in Review! on Facebook Share Comp Plan Stats for 2023 - Year in Review! on Twitter Share Comp Plan Stats for 2023 - Year in Review! on Linkedin Email Comp Plan Stats for 2023 - Year in Review! linkThank you community members for all the amazing input and your continued participation throughout 2023.
Some quick stats of the year:
427 conversations with...
- Residents, employees, visitors, tourists
- Business leaders
- Internal Advisory Group
- External Advisory Group
- Neighborhood organizations
Nearly 800 survey responses...
The number of residents, employees, and visitors whocompleted two community surveys to confirm whateach valued about living in Edgewater today andwhat changes they might want to see in the future.
7 comp plan community events...
The number of community events to discuss Edgewater’s housing market, commercial development, land use, built environment and other topics to keep Edgewater thriving.
Phase 2 Summary is Available!
Share Phase 2 Summary is Available! on Facebook Share Phase 2 Summary is Available! on Twitter Share Phase 2 Summary is Available! on Linkedin Email Phase 2 Summary is Available! linkThe second phase of the Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update is complete and we are excited to share what we learned through hundreds of community touchpoints with Edgewater residents, employees, visitors as well as additional feedback from advisory committee members and community leaders. The following summary compiles all of what we heard during each of the follow events (click the blue text to see individual summaries from each):
Latina/o Community Picnic
- An interactive built environment workshop with the Internal and External Advisory Committees;
- an in-person event with the Latina/o community in Edgewater at Citizen's Park;
- an online interactive land use survey for input and preferences on future potential land uses and development;
- an interactive land use workshop with the Internal and External Advisory Committees
- the Tasty Ticket Community Event at the Edgewater Public Market;
- and a second land use survey through Envision Edgewater.
The second land use survey was created as a culmination of the previous engagement and the survey questions were specifically crafted to clarify much of what we had heard during community outreach to-date. For example, we heard some support during past engagement opportunities for increasing density with townhomes in a certain area such as Harlan Street, thus with the second survey, we wanted to clarify that with the broader community by asking "Should future development along Harlan Street include different housing types such as duplexes or townhomes if they were carefully designed to fit the existing community character?"
Thank you to all who participated in the Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan to date. We will have some exciting opportunities for you to share further feedback on land use as well as on topics such as public art, mobility, programming, and more in the New Year! Sign up for updates under the "Stay Informed" banner on the right side of this project page.
Click: Edgewater 2040 Phase 2 Summary to view the document!
Project Timeline
Project Kick-off, February 2023
Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan has finished this stageWe are in process to update Edgewater's 2013 Comprehensive Plan, and will have several opportunities for community input and dialogue to help guide the project throughout 2023!
Phase 1
Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan has finished this stageDuring this first phase, the focus is on gathering community input on our hopes and desires for the future of Edgewater!
An analysis of existing conditions is also part of this phase.
Timeframe - February - June 2023
Phase 2
Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan has finished this stageIn-depth engagement with the community to discuss community housing and commercial corridors to create future scenarios for Edgewater. Additional topics to be covered include public safety; inclusion and belonging; community character; and, transportation.
Timeframe - July - January 2024
Phase 3
Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan has finished this stagePhase 3 focuses on the final plan elements including the People and Systems of Edgewater! This includes Comprehensive Plan elements such as mobility, infrastructure, parks, services, community events, and more!
Timeframe - February - May 2024
Final Plan
Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan has finished this stageIt is anticipated that a final plan will be formally reviewed by Planning Commission for consideration of adoption, and formally accepted by the City Council.
Timeframe - July - September 2024
Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan Adopted!
Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan is currently at this stagePlanning Commission adopted Edgewater 2040 at their July 31, 2024 meeting. And, Edgewater 2040 was formally accepted by City Council on September 17, 2024.
A huge thank you to everyone for their participation! Stay tuned for implementation steps to start in 2025.
Comp Plan Documents & Presentations
Edgewater 2040 September Final Plan - one page per page (44.6 MB) (pdf)
Edgewater 2040 September Final Plan - two pages per page (45.4 MB) (pdf)
Edgewater 2040 Appendices
Comp Plan May 15 draft recommendations.pptx (6.66 MB) (pptx)
Comp Plan project update March 2024.pdf (6.49 MB) (pdf)
2023 Commercial Market Analysis (4.26 MB) (pdf)
2023 Housing Market Analysis (3.89 MB) (pdf)
2023 Existing Conditions Analysis (2.55 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
September 17 2024
July 31 2024
July 16 2024
March 20 2024
March 19 2024
Follow Project
Who's Listening
Phone 720-763-3001 Email jschartz@edgewaterco.com -
Phone 720-763-3053 Email jmills@edgewaterco.com -
Email fsutton@migcom.com