September 25 2023

Community Engagement: Phase I Design

Please mark your calendars and plan to join THK Associates and City staff to give your feedback on Phase I Designs.

This will be an open house at the Civic Center from 5:30 - 7:30pm.

January 10 2024

Construction RFP Issued for Bid

January 29 2024

Construction RFP Bid Awarded

February 26 2024

Construction Begins

Phase 1 Improvements at Citizens’ Park are about to begin!

Soft mobilization for park improvements will begin Monday, February 26th, followed by demolition and construction in March and April. The completion date for the project is May 2024.  

The north side of the park will be unavailable for use during this time, while the south side of the park will remain open. More information on the project including designs is available at

We look forward to a successful construction project and being good neighbors!

Questions or concerns about the project should be directed to or 720-763-3010.  

June 07 2024

Tentative - Construction Complete

June 15 2024

Grand Re-Opening

Come and celebrate the Grand Re-Opening of the north side of Citizens' Park. We'll be having an Opening Day Party including t-ball games, speeches, "first pitch", Arbor Day plantings, food and activities!