September 17 2024

City Council formal acceptance of Edgewater 2040 Comp Plan

This  meeting begins at 630p.

July 31 2024

Planning Commission formal review and decision of Edgewater 2040 Comp Plan

This meeting begins at 6p.

July 16 2024

Edgewater 2040 Comp Plan Draft worksession - City Council and Planning Commission

Meeting starts at 630pm.  This agenda item is at the worksession portion of the meeting, which is after the regular Council business meeting agenda.

March 20 2024

Planning Commission - Comp Plan worksession

March 19 2024

Comp Plan Update to City Council

Council meeting starts at 630pm.  This is on their agenda under presentations.

March 06 2024

Comp Plan Advisory Committee Meeting

This will be the final Advisory Committee meeting of the project.

At the Civic Center - 6 to 8pm

February 21 2024

Planning Commission - Comp Plan worksession

February 08 2024

Community Workshop

Join community members and discuss the future of Edgewater, including topics such as mobility, events, services and more!

Time:  4:30 pm to 7:00 pm 

Location:  Jefferson Junior/Senior High School, 2305 Pierce Street, Edgewater

Fun activities for adults and kids so bring the entire family!

October 03 2023

Tasty Tix Community Event at the Edgewater Public Market

Open House Style event - 330-730pm

Location is the Edgewater Public Market, 5505 W 20th Ave, Edgewater, CO 80214

September 23 2023

Hometown Fesitval

Stop by the Comp Plan booth at the City's Hometown Festival!

September 05 2023

Comp Plan Advisory Committee Workshop

Meeting starts at 6pm

Location is the Edgewater Civic Center, 1800 Harlan Street, Edgewater CO 80214

August 27 2023

Latino Community Picnic Pop Up


Citzen's Park

August 16 2023

Comp Plan Adivisory Committee Workshop

June 28 2023

Bike to Work Day

Bike, Scoot, Skate, or Walk past our Breakfast Booth on your way to work!  Stop by the City of Edgewater's swag table on your way...

7am - 10am

25th Ave & Sheridan Parking Lot

Plus, learn more about the Comprehensive Plan project and give your input!

June 20 2023

First Update on Project to City Council and Planning Commission

The Project Team updated City Council and Planning Commission on the community engagement and feedback received over the first phase of the project!

May 25 2023

1st Community Meal and Conversation

Mark your calendars to help the city shape the future of Edgewater for the next 20 years! Plan now to join us for a free meal on Thursday, May 25 at 6:00 pm to hear more about the Comprehensive Plan update, why it's important, and how to provide community feedback.

Location: Jefferson Jr./Sr. High School Gymnasium, 2305 Pierce St., Edgewater, CO

May 01 2023

May Business Spotlight Challenge

Vote for your favorite business in Edgewater and take the two-question survey on communtiy priorities throughout the month of May!

April 29 2023

Eco-Edgewater Pop-Up Engagement

A pop-up engagement activity took place at the Eco-Edgewater event on April 29.  The project team received more than 60 responses to the two-question survey about community priorities!

April 27 2023

Edge Talk at Joyride Brewery

Edge Talk is a TED Talk Inspired Event! 

Let’s play trivia and cheer on Edge Talkers as they share a 5-minute talk about living in Edgewater. 

Bring your fond memories and make some new ones. All are welcome! 

April 10 2023

Comp Plan Community Survey

The Community survey asked Edgewater community members to identify the most important priority for Edgewater to maintain over the next 20 years as it changes to meet new demographic and economic demands.  545 community members responded with their input!